Release Date: 03/17/2022
- REMOVE "Require Idle Entity" field from the DropOffSource component inspector and have it set to false by default for that component.
- FIX displaying multiple categories of an entity in the code category inspector field.
- FIX a bug where an entity target component attached to a unit, other than the movement component, is stopped while the unit is moving, causing the unit to continue its movement in the idle animation state.
- FIX a bug where a scriptable object is created, causing all cached scriptable object asset files of all types but the type of newly created on to be reset.
- FIX stopping music audio source while a music audio clip is actively playing.
- ADD the "Drop Off On Target Available" field to the DropOffSource component's inspector that when the maximum capacity is reached and the unit is idle, it allows the unit to automatically go to the drop off point as soon as it added then resume collecting the resource it was collecting before it reached the maximum capacity.
- ADD the "Keep Active Task" field to the EntityTasksQueueHandler inspector, that when enabled, considers the currently active task of the entity as the first task in the queue and does not disable it when a new task is added to an empty queue. When disabled and a new task is added to an empty queue, the currently active task will be aborted.
- UPDATE UnitCarrier with the following free faction behavior options:
- Update Faction On Occupy: When the free unit carrier is carrying units from a faction, should it have its faction updated to that of the occupying units.
- Free On Ejection: When enabled and the carrier is not occupied by a unit from a valid faction anymore, it will return to a free faction state.
- Can Be Attacked On Free Faction: Allow the carrier to be attacked while it does not belong to any faction.
- Can Be Attacked On Valid Faction: Allow the carrier to be attacked when its faction is updated to a valid one after being occupied by a non-faction-free unit.
- SUPPRESS harmless warnings.
- REMOVE debugging statements in the DropOffSource class.
- REMOVE "Obj" property from the ModelCacheAwareObject class, which was only there in the first place for debugging pruposes.
- FIX the helper method IsLocalPlayerFaction that checks whether an integer (faction ID) belongs to the local player or not.
- ADD FactionTargetPicker class to be used as a field in the inspector to be used to select a faction from faction IDs and other options such as enforcing local player faction, NPC factions and free faction.
- ADD FREE_FACTION_ID helper integer static property that holds the ID for the factionless units and buildings.
- ADD a SetColor method for the ModelCacheAwareRendererInput class that allows to input the material's property name to color.
Changes in individual modules can be found in the individual module guides.